Wetland Construction – Wurtsmith Air Force Base
Job Site Services, Inc. (JSS) was contracted to construct a 1000 GPM engineered treatment wetland. JSS provided general contracting and construction at this 8-acre site, active airfield with no disruption of airfield operations and per Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ) permit schedule requirements.
The system which was installed to prevent volatile organic compounds (VOC) contaminated groundwater from migrating towards drinking water wells and a nearby recreational lake. JSS installed the system which consisted of 8 groundwater extraction wells, carbon filtration, cascade aeration hill, sediment pond, free surface flow pond, 2 submerged surface flow ponds with aeration, and 4 infiltration trenches.
Completed soil erosion and sediment control (SESC), silt fence and turbidity curtain, cleared and grubbed site, constructed cascade aeration system, excavated and balanced approximately 300,000 cubic yards, constructed over 2 acres of ponds with a geosynthetic clay liner (CETCO Bentomat®), 60mil HDPE liner (0.55 acre sedimentation pond, 0.69 acre free surface flow pond, and two 0.33 acre submerged surface flow ponds), installed infiltration galleries, planted wetland plants in peat moss soil bed in the subsurface flow ponds, 4 infiltration trenches 400 feet x 4 feet x 16 feet, restored site with of topsoil placement, hydro seeding natural grass, and erosion control mat.