JSS Expands Services

JSS has acquired the Remedial Services Division of Superior Environmental Corp, based in Grand Rapids, Mich.

This acquisition significantly expands the capabilities of Job Site Services (JSS) by adding new drilling services, including environmental drilling, geotechnical drilling, Geoprobe® services, and in-situ injection using the Badger Injection System.

“These new drilling services perfectly complement the environmental services we’ve been providing since we started in 1999,” said Derek Marranca, president and CEO of JSS. “We have had the environmental science and engineering expertise, practical hands-on experience, safety culture and the resources necessary to meet even the most complex tasks in site remediation and environmental construction. Now we also have a wide breadth of drilling and probing services for our customers.”

“JSS typically helps customers with remediation and cleanup services. All of our customers use and need drilling and probing services to investigate their situation, usually before we would come into the project,” said Todd White, chief operating officer of JSS. “This addition allows us to do more for our existing customer base and new customers — supporting their needs earlier in their projects.”

On January 18, all of Superior’s drilling and probing operations, as well as the division’s six employees, were transferred to JSS at a new facility in Cedar Springs, Mich.

“In addition to the expert employees and the extensive drilling capabilities, this new location will also make it easier for JSS to serve and support our customers on the west side of Michigan, which is growing steadily, as well as our broader group of customers across the Midwest and the greater United States,” said White.

The new drilling and probing services include:

Environmental Drilling Services

JSS’s environmental drilling services include soil borings, mud rotary, rock coring, piezometers, well abandonment, temporary/permanent monitoring wells, air sparge/injection/recovery wells, Hydropunch® discrete groundwater sampling and dewatering well installation.

Geotechnical Drilling Services

For geotechnical applications, JSS services include standard penetration test (SPT) sampling, thin-wall tube (Shelby) sampling, rock coring, piezometer installation, dewatering well installation, inclinometer installation and engineering support services.

Direct Push

JSS maintains a fleet of tracked, 4×4 truck-mounted Geoprobe® rigs and portable direct-push equipment for indoor and limited-access applications. JSS services include soil and groundwater sampling, monitoring wells, piezometers, soil gas surveys, SPT hammer for geotech sampling and Air Knife/Hydrovac trailer for soft dig borehole clearance.

Badger Injection System

JSS is a licensed user of the Badger system and is experienced in injecting various compounds for in-situ chemical oxidation (ISCO) and reductive materials (ISCR) for the remediation of sub-surface contamination.

About Job Site Services, Inc.

Founded in 1999, JSS provides a wide range of services for environmental construction and site remediation. With a safety-minded culture and an excellent safety record, JSS has completed large and small projects across the United States for industries that include retail petroleum, pipeline/terminal, chemical, automotive, environmental, energy, waste, commercial building, government/military, industrial/manufacturing, brownfield remediation, railroad and more. JSS is headquartered in Bay City, Mich., with an additional facility in Cedar Springs, Mich. For more information, visit jssmi.com