Lake Huron Slope Stabilization, Sediment Removal, Revetment Wall Construction, and Landfill Cap Maintenance

Job Site Services, Inc. (JSS) was contracted to excavate sediments, construct a revetment wall, and landfill cap maintenance, at a closed landfill on the shore of Lake Huron. JSS provided general contracting and field construction for the project which was designed to prevent landfill sediments from entering Lake Huron.

The project was completed per MDEQ permit installation of silt fence, turbidity curtain, and schedule requirements. Construction included excavation of 575 cubic yards of cement kiln dust sediments for placement into a newly constructed and capped landfill cell.

Installed 16,250 square feet of geotextile fabric and placed 3,000 tons of four different kinds of rip-rap to construct the new revetment wall. Berms and holding ponds were constructed for water management during rain events. Site restoration consisted of topsoil placement, hydroseeding, and erosion control mat. Landfill cap improvements involved new drainage swales and grading.