Pipeline – Riverbank Restoration
Sturgeon River
Job Site Services, Inc. (JSS) contracted with an energy company to restore the river bank in the Sturgeon River around an active pipeline. JSS provided excavation and construction for bank restoration and pipeline cover which occurred due to natural erosion of the river bank.
The site was in a remote location; therefore, to prepare the site JSS mobilized crew and equipment, completed clearing and grubbing of work area and access route, built an access road, and installed pipeline crossing mat for equipment access to work.
JSS installed a coffer dam using 100 linear feet of 20 feet deep sheeting in the Sturgeon River. The coffer dam was continually dewatered. Soil was carefully excavated, by O.Q. trained staff, to expose the pipeline for the utility crew to access and install pipeline “rock guard”. Soil was placed on the bank and spread and a silt fence was installed around the spoils pile. The pipeline was supported with wood cribbing. Restoration included logs, stumps, glacial stone, Rolanka 16-400 Coir Bio-D blocks, fabric material matting, and native plants were installed as the riverbank retention system.