Our Badger Injection System is an evolutionary, innovative approach using the most current subsurface delivery technology available, a Kinetically Adjusted Pore Space Dilation (KAPSDIDS) injection. Whether the in-situ materials are Reductive Dechlorination (RDC), Chemical Oxidation (ISCO) or Biological Amendments, the Badger Injection System actually delivers these products where they are needed to be in maximum contact with the contaminant.
Delivery + Contact = Treatment
Job Site Services, Inc.’s (JSS) Remedial Services Division focuses on being the in-situ chemical applications specialists using the Badger Injection System. Our expertise is getting the selected remediation product in contact with the subsurface contaminant. The Badger Injection System has proven to be measurably more effective and intrinsically safer due to its lower pressure/high volume capabilities than conventional flooding technologies. In a recent pilot study comparison of Badger versus conventional pumping techniques, Badger was able to consistently deliver three times the volume of solution in a silty sand aquifer achieving 20 gallons per minute. (References Available)
Badger Injection System is a proprietary injection technology able to inject a variety of in-situ remediation products both further and faster than conventional technologies. The Badger Injection System has delivered unprecedented radius, distribution, contact, monitoring and controls for in-situ remedial products during injection delivery events. Ongoing equipment, tooling and process refinements, along with the ability to quickly make adjustments (variable flow characteristics) to match a myriad of subsurface conditions maximizes the subsurface distributive contact of injected products. With a proprietary software package to control and manage the project data systems in real time, how the subsurface is reacting to and accepting the injection material is continuously monitored to ensure consistency in delivery expectations and also documents the projects.
JSS’s Remedial Services Division, as the Great Lakes Badger Technology Service Provider, is part of a larger company network using this advanced technology throughout the United States. This teaming and networking relationship is thoroughly described at the Badger Injection Solutions website. We continue to work with the developers of the Badger Injection System under our regional licensing agreement to advance and improve this technology.
“…the key to successful in-situ injection remediation has always been effective distribution to provide essential contact, resulting in treatment. The Badger technology exceeded my expectation for distribution (or anything I have seen for that matter) and has significantly enhanced cleanup at two of our sites.” – H. Faircloth, PE, CORE Engineering & Construction
JSS is experienced in the injection of the following compounds for in-situ chemical oxidation (ISCO) and reductive materials (ISCR) for remediation of sub-surface contamination:
- Oxygen
- Emulsified Veg Oil (EVO)
- Persulfate
- Potassium/sodium permanganate
- ORC®|HRC®/RegenOx®
- Mircobes (KB-1, dhcs)
- Fenton reagents/hydrogen peroxide
Would you like to know more about our Badger Injection System? Contact us to discuss how our experience can meet your needs.