Clinton River Realignment Project
Job Site Services, Inc. (JSS) contracted to complete a river realignment to protect a 32 inch diameter high pressure active natural gas main.
To prepare the site, crews installed SESC silt fence and turbidity curtain per MDEQ permit schedule requirements, installed 3,500 linear feet of access road, completed clearing and grubbing, and demolished the existing concrete dam.
To divert the river allowing for new channel construction and flow, a Portadam™ system was installed. Field crews excavated approximately 5,000 cubic yards and placed earth creating a balanced site. A rock shield was installed to protect the gas main.
The restoration was completed with the installation per project drawings of three stream barbs, one j hook, a cross vane system and root wads. Additionally, to return the river to its natural state, three acres of 339 emergent wetland, 477 scrub shrub wetland, and 115 forested wetland plantings and 1.5 acres of emergent wetland, scrub shrub wetland, and forested wetland seed mixes with the use of straw matting To complete the restoration, topsoil was placed followed by hydroseeding, and erosion control mat installation. Special care was taken to recover and relocate endangered clams.